søndag, oktober 15, 2006

Farmand - Daddy

I fredags skulle min far ind til en undersøgelse, da han har haft problemer omkring hjertet. Og så beholdt de ham minsandten på hospitalet!
Han skal have en ballonudvidelse sandsynligvis i løbet af den kommende uge, men hans åre var så tilstoppet, at de var bange for at sende ham hjem. Vi er meget taknemmelige over, at han ikke har fået en blodprop i løbet af det sidste stykke tid, hvor han har været meget alene på kontoret og i bilen.
Hvis du har en bøn til overs, må du meget gerne bede for ham!
Han er ved godt mod og nyder at kunne slappe af og drikke kaffe dagen lang og tale med de andre patienter.

This Friday my dad went to the hospital for some tests because he has had some problems with his heart. And then they kept him!
Some time probably during the next week he will have a stint put in but his artery was so blocked that they did not want him to be at home until the treatment.
We are so grateful that nothing has happend to him during the past months when he has been alone a lot in the office and the car.
If you have a spare prayer I would appreciate it...
He is in good spirits enjoying being able to relax, drink a lot of coffee and chat with the other patients.

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