mandag, november 20, 2006

Dejlig weekend - wonderful weekend

Tak for forbøn for EBU. Vi havde nogle rigtig dejlige dage. Der var 11 kursister, og de er et engageret og dygtigt hold.
I en af de første timer underviste jeg om Bibelens syn på børn. Og i den anledning bad jeg kursisterne fortælle hinanden, hvem der havde været deres åndelige "forældre" - altså haft størst betydning for, at de idag er kristne. En af kursisterne svarede promte og kiggede på sin sidemand: "Det var jo dig og din mor", sagde hun til hende. Og så fortalte hun videre om den børneklub, sidemandens mor havde haft. Og det slog jo netop hovedet på sømmet i forhold til EBU, for et af vores hovedbudskaber er: Mød børnene i deres nærmiljø!
Vores EBU kursus fortsætter i januar.
På billedet ses min dygtige kollega Hanne i fuld undervisningsaktion.

Thanks for prayer for our TCE course. We had some wonderful days together. We have 11 students and they are a committed and diligent class!
In one of the first classes I was sharing about the Biblical view on children and I asked the class to share with one another whom each of them considered to be their spiritual "parents" - the ones who brought them to the Lord and helped them grow. One of the students answered quickly by looking at the person next to her and saying, "It was you and your mother!" And then she continued telling about the club for children that this family had had in their home. And this really hits the nail considering TCE. (Do you say that in English?) Because one of our main messages is: Meet the children in their neighbourhood!
Our TCE course continues in January.
The photo shows my excellent colleague Hanne teaching.

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