mandag, september 01, 2008

Taknemmelig - Thankful

En mærkelig følelse har sneget sig ind over mig: Taknemmelighed. Jeg føler mig taknemmelig over, at jeg kan blive opereret. Igår havde jeg mange smerter, og så slog det mig for alvor, hvor heldig jeg er, at om blot 11 dage, så er årsagen til smerterne væk. Havde jeg levet for 100 år siden, så kunne man nok ikke gøre noget.
Og så føler jeg mig taknemmelig for, at jeg har fået sådan en dygtig kirurg. Han er bare så opmuntrende og har så meget psykologisk indsigt. Han ved lige, hvad han skal sige på det ethvert tidspunkt. Det er en noget anden oplevelse, end den jeg havde i Danmark for to år siden, hvor kirugen næsten satte en ære i at skræmme mig fra vid og sans.
Derudover føler jeg mig taknemmelig over, at efter at der har været en del bøvl med min forsikring, fordi jeg er så ny i Schweiz, så var der ansat på mit hopital, som spurgte, om hun skulle forsøge at ordne det hele for mig. Det havde bare været alt for overvældende for mig at klare selv på tysk.
Sidst men ikke mindst føler jeg mig overvældet over at jeg kender så mange mennesker, som sender mig opmuntrende emails.
Der er meget at være taknemmelig over.

A strange feeling has filled me... Thankfulness. I am so thankful that I can actually get an operation. Yesterday I had so much pain and it is so good to know that in 11 days the source of the pain will be gone. Had I lived maybe only 100 years ago that would probably not had been an option.
And then I feel extremely thankful for my surgeon. He is really good and he has a lot of psycological insights and knows exactly what to say in any situation. It is a completely different experience than my operation two years ago where I was terrified beyond reason.
I am also so thankful for the fact that realising that I have problems with my insurance because I am so new in Switzerland that some person at my hopital asked if I wanted her to take over and do her bst to solve it. What a wonderful person! It would have been way too overwhelming for me to have to do this myself in German!
And last but not least I am happy to know so many wonderful persons that has send me tons of encouraging emails.
There is a lot to be thankful about.

4 kommentarer:

Laura sagde ...

It´s always good to count your blessings!! We really our so blessed - Dorthe you are in our thoughts and prayers these days. All the best for Friday. I´ll find out how you are through Jette.

Laura sagde ...

oops -my english is terrible. Really should read these things through before I post them. Above it´s supposed to say "We really ARE so blessed." (not our - I used the wrong one - sorry haha)

Dorthe sagde ...

Thanks a lot!
It means a lot to me!

Laura sagde ...

Hi Dorthe

It´s the night before the operation and I am thinking of you. Just wanted to give you a bible verse to take with you....Isaiah 43, 1-5 "Fear not, for I have redeemed you, I have summoned you by name, you are mine. When you passs through the waters I will be with you. When you pass through the rivers they will not sweep over you. Wehn you walk through the fire you will not be burned.....For I am the Lord your God, I give Egypt for your ransom Cush and Seba in you rstead. Since you are precious and honoured in my sight and because I love you...DO NOT BE AFRAID, FOR I AM WITH YOU!"