torsdag, august 28, 2008


Som nogle af jer ved, så har jeg en cyste, som jeg har været i medicinsk behandling for. Desværre hjælper det ikke, så nu skal den væk.
Derfor har jeg lige i dag fået at vide, at jeg skal opereres fredag 12/9 - altså om to uger. På grund af min tidligere operation for to år siden, så kan den kun fjernes ved en lidt større operation. Og når man så er i gang, så vil man så også fjerne nogle nye muskelfibromer, som jeg også har fået (magen til det, jeg fik fjernet for to år siden dog meget mindre).

Det hele er lidt overvældende, da jeg troede, at jeg kunne nøjes med et lille indgreb men nu istedet skal have en rigtig operation, 5 dage på hospitalet og 4-6 ugers orlov efterfølgende. Også tanken om at skulle være langt væk "hjemmefra" er lidt skræmmende, men jeg har nu fred i, at det skal være her i Schweiz.

I må meget gerne bede for:
At alt må gå godt med operation og bagefter
At det ikke bliver nødvendigt at fjerne min højre æggestok
At jeg må have råd til operationen (noget betales af forsikringen, andet af patienten)

As some of you know I have a cyst on my ovary that the doctor has tried to treat with medicine but it has not worked so now I need an operation in two weeks time (Friday 12th of September).
Normally this would be a small surgery but because of a previous operation I had two years ago the doctor needs to do a much bigger surgery. And since he has also discovered some fibromas (I think that’s the English name) he will also try to remove them to prevent another operation soon. The fibromas are normally harmless – it is what I had removed two years ago too.

It is all a bit overwhelming since I thought I only needed a small surgery but now it’s a big thing including five days in hospital and six weeks off from work afterwards. Also the thought of being far away from my home country and family and old friends seems a bit overwhelming. However I have peace about having the operation here.

So to sum up – I would really appreciate prayers for:
The operation and the recovery
That the surgeon does not need to remove my right ovary
That I can afford the part of the cost that is not covered by the insurance

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sagde ...

Jeg be for deg!
(Or something like that)
I am sorry I was not able to say good bye Dorthe. But whenever you visit Belgium I will be happy to be your hostess. You are a lovely woman and a great teacher. I really enjoyed your lessons.
I will pray for you!

Anonym sagde ...

Hej Dorthe

Hmm. æv...træls...

Nå men du skal vide jeg selvfølgelig vil bede for dig.

Jeg er overbevist om du kender samtlige skriftsteder i bibelen om at Gud er med dig o.s.v.

Så derfor så vil jeg hellere opmuntre dig til, at tænke over alle dem der beder for dig i denne tid.

Nogle gang kan ting være svære at forstå, men jeg ved at Gud er med dig hele vejen....

God bless


Dorthe sagde ...

Thanks a lot! I really appreciate that! Talitha - I hope you got my email. Hugs,