Så glad
Så træt
Så klar til at sove...
So happy
So tired
So ready for some sleep
DANISH: Meningen med denne blog er først og fremmest at skrive om nyheder og bedeemner fra mit job. Men... der sniger sig også andre oplevelser ind på bloggen, så den ikke kun bliver jobrelateret............ ENGLISH: The purpose of this blog is to keep you updated on my ministry. But... Now and then other events from my life will sneak it's way to this blog, too. You find the English updates at the bottom of each blogpost in italic writing.
6 kommentarer:
Its so exciting Dorthe!!! The set looks fantastic - cant wait to see the programmes - when will they air?
Hi Dorthe
I pray for you and all involved in that beautiful ministry. God bless you and the children who will watch it.
Thanks, Christian and Laura.
We have not fixed the date yet but there has been some delays with the music videos for the programs so I presume we will wait until after the summer holiday and just move ahead with a lot of recordings this spring to avoid stress at a later stage.
Hey Dorthe. It all looks fantastic. Will be praying for you all, that everything goes to plan and that God will really use the programmes. Happy recording.
Hey Angie. Thanks a lot! Hope to see you at the conference!
Hej Dorthe! Hvor er det fedt at kunne følge med her. Det ser rigtig godt ud, og vi glæder os til at se det på nettet og i TV.
Kh, Gitte
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